Links & Resources

Mental Health Links
The following links are listed to provide you with additional online mental health care information and counseling resources.

Addiction and Recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery Resources
How Alcohol Affects your Body
Drug Addiction Treatment
Center for On-Line Addiction
SAMHSA's Substance Abuse/Addiction
SAMHSA's Treatment and Recovery
Web of Addictions
Treatment Locator

Anxiety Disorders

Answers to Your Questions About Panic Disorder
National Center for PTSD
Obsessive Compulsive Information Center Calm Clini

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADDA - Attention Deficit Disorder Association
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, NIMH
Born to Explore: The Other Side of ADD/ADHD

Child Abuse and Domestic Violence
Childhelp USA®
Domestic Violence Statstics & Facts
SAMHSA's Children and Families
SAMHSA's Protection and Advocacy
Help for Abused and Battered Women
The National Domestic Violence Hotline Website
Educating Women, Children, and Families on Child Abuse and Domestic Violence (Holly Cochran PhD)

Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Bipolar Disorder News -
Depression and How Therapy Can Help
Depression Screening
Depression Test, Symptoms of Depression, Signs of Depression

DSM-IV-TR: Diagnoses and Criteria

Dissociation and Traumatic Stress
I nternational Society for Study of Trauma and Dissociation : This excellent website seeks to advance clinical, scientific, and societal understanding about the prevalence and consequences of chronic trauma and dissociation.

Trauma Center at Resource Justice Institute: This website has multiple resources. There are links to self help for a long list of diagnosis (eating disorder, PTSD, OCD, etc.), it has links to many articles, resources for first responders, handouts, etc.

National Center for PTSD This site has a wealth of resources from self diagnostics for PTSD, videos, fact sheets on treatment and coping.

David Baldwin's Trauma Information Pages This contains many articles and resources collected by an expert clinician.This site keeps a leading edge on interesting things happening in the world of trauma and dissociation studies.

Ken Pope’s Articles, Research, & Resources in Psychology: Therapy, Ethics, Malpractice, Forensics, Critical Thinking, and more. This is a "go to" site for professionals who are looking for quality material on a range of subjects.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network This is site is organized by a network of trauma organizations and provides information for parents, educators, the media, and professionals on various aspects of traumatic experience and how to respond to children. It has a wealth of detailed information with immediate clinical applicability.

Many Voices
A respected site on the web for information for patients who have problems related to dissociation.

Sidran Foundation Home Page This is a comprehensive site for trauma resources.

Eating Disorders
American Dietetic Association
Something Fishy

Medications and Health Supplements
Drug Interactions,
Drug Interactions, DIRECT
Medical Dictionary
Medications, FDA
Medication, Internet Mental Health
Medications, PDR
Medline, Comparison
SAMHSA's Psychiatry and Psychology

Mental Health Care General Links
Internet Mental Health
Let’s Talk Facts, APA
Mental Health Counselor Resources,
Mental Help Net
Mental Illnesses/Disorders
University of Michigan Health Topics A to Z
Web Sites You Can Trust, Medical Library Association

Personality Disorders
Mental Help Net - Personality Disorders
Personality Disorders - Focus Adolescent Counselor Services )

Recovered Memory
Abuse, Memory, Science and Malpractice

This site, from Ken Pope, PhD includes the full-text of the award address "Memory, Abuse, and Science: Questioning Claims about the False Memory Syndrome Epidemic," and the follow-up article "Science As CarefulQuestioning: Are Claims of a False Memory Syndrome Epidemic Based on Empirical Evidence?" in which commentaries on the original article are answered and new legal cases and research are reviewed. These are two excellently researched and presented articles.

A Critical Examination of the Recovered Memory/False Memory Debate: Reflections Upon Law and Social Transformation

This is a
thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Department of Law Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario 14 May 1999. It was written by Geri Moss-Norbury, B.A. (Hons. Law). The thesis places the recovered memory debate in a broader context regarding social power and gender bias. It contains unique analysis of the controversy. (10MB download)

Recovered Memories of Sexual Abuse: Scientific Research & Scholarly Resources

This is a large page with links to many articles by various researchers and authors on memory and sexual abuse, with an emphasis on scientific explanations and understandings for memory lost and recovered.

The Recovered Memory Project website

Maintained by Prof. Ross Cheit of Brown University, this website has information on corroborated cases of recovered memory and scientific evidence concerning recovered memory. Begun as a response to skeptics, it invites submissions of corroborated cases and provides the criteria for case submission. It is an excellent resource for evidence of traumatic amnesia.

Validity of Recovered Memory

A presentation of the Decision of the US District Court (Judge Edward F. Harrington) on the validity of recovered memory, also in downloadable ASCII.

Suicide Awareness and Hotlines
SAMHSA's Suicide
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
Suicide: Read This First

Additional Mental Health Care & Counseling Resources
Interpretation of Dreams
Keirsey (Myers-Briggs) Temperament Sorter
Signs of Menopause, Symptoms of Menopause

Not responsible for the content, claims or representations of the listed sites .

Barbara Snow DSW/LCSW


PO Box 712260,
Utah 84171



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